tarragona - reus - vilaseca - salou - cambrils - hospitalet de l'infant - torredembarra

Toldos y pérgolas

Descubre la amplia oferta de toldos que en Tigsol podemos instalar, así como las pérgolas para su jardín o terraza.

A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
A green awning with ornate metalwork is attached to a building, beneath which two hanging baskets filled with small purple and white flowers are visible. Below, lush greenery and a partial view of another building can be seen against a clear blue sky.
Toldos con brazo articulado

Toldo frontal extensible de brazos, especialmente diseñado para ventanas pero puede ser instalado en otras estructuras

Estructura de madera o aluminio perfecta para proteger del sol con un toldo corredero.


El sistema cofre protege la lona de las inclemencias del tiempo, además de suavizar la imagen de la fachada de su casa.

Toldos cofres

És un modelo ideal para instalar en balcones con techo, diseñado para proteger su balcón del viento y la lluvia.

Toldos stor o de balcón
A series of windows with dark green shutters are set in a beige or cream-colored building wall with decorative molding. The building features classic architectural elements, including arched and rectangular window frames, and protruding ledges.
A series of windows with dark green shutters are set in a beige or cream-colored building wall with decorative molding. The building features classic architectural elements, including arched and rectangular window frames, and protruding ledges.
Ventana PVC oscilobatiente
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
A grid of numerous identical windows on the side of a gray brick building, with one window partially open and a white cloth hanging from it. The window frames are highlighted with a red trim.
A grid of numerous identical windows on the side of a gray brick building, with one window partially open and a white cloth hanging from it. The window frames are highlighted with a red trim.
Ventana PVC corredera o deslizante

Las hojas se deslizan por railes de forma horizontal. No sobresalen nunca hacia el interior de la casa.

En Tigsol le recomendamos este tipo de ventanas para habitaciones con poco espacio.

Ventanas PVC

Calidad y servicio personalizado para cada cliente.

Puertas de entrada PVC de alta seguridad

Ofrecen un excelente nivel de seguridad así como aislamiento térmico y acústico.

Se recomiendan especialmente por su eficiencia energètica, ya que no dejan transmitir ni frío ni humedad.

Son las más recomendadas por Tigsol ya que ofrecen altos niveles de aislamiento, también máxima seguridad y ventilación.

Optan con dos tipos de aperturas, lateral o superior hacia el interior.

A series of windows with dark green shutters are set in a beige or cream-colored building wall with decorative molding. The building features classic architectural elements, including arched and rectangular window frames, and protruding ledges.
A series of windows with dark green shutters are set in a beige or cream-colored building wall with decorative molding. The building features classic architectural elements, including arched and rectangular window frames, and protruding ledges.
Mosquiteras enrrollables
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
A grid of numerous identical windows on the side of a gray brick building, with one window partially open and a white cloth hanging from it. The window frames are highlighted with a red trim.
A grid of numerous identical windows on the side of a gray brick building, with one window partially open and a white cloth hanging from it. The window frames are highlighted with a red trim.
Mosquiteras correderas

Se instalan en los premarcos de las ventanas, acomplando unas guías donde se desliza la mosquitera permitiendo un movimiento sencillo.

Con diseños sencillos y rápida instalación, las mosquiteras dan seguridad a su hogar evitando la entrada de insectos.

Mosquiteras plisadas

Son ideales para grandes ventanales o puertas. Se instalan especialmente en zonas de paso ya que tienen un diseño elegante y una gran funcionalidad.

Son las más comunes por su fácil instalación y su diseño, adaptandose en el exterior de las ventana. Sutilmente, el cajetín superior almacena la malla de la mosquitera haciendola invisible siempre que se desee.


A series of windows with dark green shutters are set in a beige or cream-colored building wall with decorative molding. The building features classic architectural elements, including arched and rectangular window frames, and protruding ledges.
A series of windows with dark green shutters are set in a beige or cream-colored building wall with decorative molding. The building features classic architectural elements, including arched and rectangular window frames, and protruding ledges.
Motorización de toldos
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
A grid of numerous identical windows on the side of a gray brick building, with one window partially open and a white cloth hanging from it. The window frames are highlighted with a red trim.
A grid of numerous identical windows on the side of a gray brick building, with one window partially open and a white cloth hanging from it. The window frames are highlighted with a red trim.
Motorización de persianas

Ofrece comodidad, seguridad y eficiencia energética al controlar el paso de luz y aire en el espacio de permitiendo su cierre o apertura de forma automatizada.

Motorización de puertas correderas o abatibles

Este sistema eléctrico permite el deslizamiento automático de la puerta a lo largo de una guía facilitando así su apertura o cierre de una forma rápida y eficiente. Se suele usar en garajes.


Ofrecen una solución perfecta aportando la máxima comodidad en su toldo permitiendo subir y bajar con un solo click. Se incluye un mando a distancia o bien un interruptor.

Cobertor de piscina
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
Facade of a building with three rows and three columns of identical windows, each featuring decorative wrought iron balconies and rounded awnings casting shadows.
Cobertor solar flotante

Todas las facilidades te las proporcionamos desde Tigsol

Proporcionan la máxima seguridad en invierno e incorporan amarres exclusivos para una fijación immejorable.

Fundas de piscina

Compuesto de láminas de polietileno y burbujas de aire sellado, estos cobertores proporcionan una fácil manipulación debido a no tener amarres y su poco peso.

En Tigsol los recomendamos si lo que busca es alargar la temporada de baño y ahorrar en productos químicos.